ITALIA 2018 Exhibition of Philatelic Literature Verona, Italy, 23-25 November 2018 Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies


Untitled 1
FEPA Special Regulation
FEPA Supplementary Regulation
1. Organization, date and venue
1.1. The Philatelic Literature Exhibition Italia 2018 is a specialized national exhibition with international participation, organized by the Federazione fra le Società Filateliche Italiane (Fsfi) under the patronage of the Federation of the European Philatelic Associations (Fepa).
1.2. Italia 2018 has been granted the patronage of the European Academy of Philately (Aep), the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques (Aijp) and the Unione stampa filatelica italiana (Usfi), and the scientific advice of the Istituto di Studi Storici Postali “Aldo Cecchi” in Prato.
1.3. Italia 2018 will take place from 23 to 25 November 2018, within the framework of the 131st Veronafil. Its venue is Hall 9 at the Veronafiere exhibition center in Verona.
1.4. The overall organization is taken care of by an Organization Committee (OC) appointed by the Fsfi, in cooperation with the Associazione Filatelica Numismatica Scaligera
1.5. This exhibition is organized concurrently with the Italia 2018 - The Great War Philatelic a specialized national exhibition with international participation. This event is governed by a separate IREX.
2. Conditions for participation
2.1. Participation is open to printed and digital publications from all over the world related to:
• The investigative research in the field of philately, or
• The documentation, the education and the promotion of philately
2.2. Entries may be exhibited by the author, compiler, editor, publisher, sponsoring organization or society, or any other individual or entity holding proprietary rights. In case such rights are held by more parties, only one can present the application.
2.3. Entries must satisfy the following conditions:
Type of publication |
Condition |
Books, catalogues, special studies and other publications | Published not earlier than 1 January 2013 |
Periodicals | Published not earlier than 1 January 2016 |
Websites | Available on the net at application date |
Application and entertainment software and other digital works | Running on a recent operating system (at least Windows XP, IOS X.Y, Android 4.0) |
• For multivolume works, the date of publication of the last volume shall govern.
• Revised editions will be considered as new publications.
• For periodicals, the most recent complete volume or the issues of the last year/two years shall be exhibited.
2.4. Entries in non-European languages must contain an exhaustive abstract in one of the main European languages.
3. Exhibition classes
3.1. Noncompetitive class. It includes publications invited by the OC with the aim of highlighting the merits of philatelic literature and documenting its contribution to the progress of philately.
3.2. Competition classes. They include:
1) Books, specialized catalogues, special studies and other publications of primarily investigative research nature
2) Books and other publications of promotional and documentation nature
3) General Catalogues
4) Periodicals
5) Websites
6) Application and entertainment software
7) Other digital works.
4. Applications and submission of entries
4.1. Italia 2018 is a totally paperless exhibition; hence applications shall be made only at the exhibition webpage
www.italia2018.eu. Applicants shall fill out the forms following the instructions provided step to step.
4.2. All entries complying with the provisions in Art. 2 above will be accepted. No previous award at national level is required.
4.3. During the application process the exhibitor will be asked to pay the participation fee (40 Euros) via PayPal, following the instructions provided on the screen. This step is mandatory for completing the application.
4.4. Applications can be submitted until 10 September 2018 at latest.
4.5. Exhibitors shall submit one copy of the exhibit so that it arrives to the following address:
Italia 2018 c/o Unione Filatelica Lombarda, piazza Sicilia 6, 20146 Milano, Italy at latest by 21 September 2018.
4.6. Exhibits sent from outside the custom free European area shall be accompanied by a pro forma invoice describing the item is a “specimen” and declare just a nominal value.
4.7. Any non-compliance detected during the receiving and evaluation operations shall result in the exclusion of the relevant entry from the competition. The participation fee shall not be refunded to the applicant.
4.8. After the exhibition the exhibits shall be donated to the Italian national philatelic library at the Istituto di Studi Storici Postali ''Aldo Cecchi''.
5. Judging and awards
5.1. Judging of the exhibits of Italia 2018 will be carried out by a jury chosen by the Board of the Fsfi, according to the Special Regulations for Philatelic Literature approved at 2017 Fepa Congress.
5.2. In consideration of the time needed for an appropriate evaluation the judging activities shall start in September 2018. The OC shall circulate the entries to the jurors, who then will convene in Verona before the exhibition for consolidating and balancing their evaluation.
5.3. Awards will be presented in the form of digital diplomas.
5.4. The only awards delivered at the exhibition will be the Grand Prix Italia 2018 (best in show) and the Best in Class prizes.
6. General conditions
6.1. Whenever there are cases that cannot be decided upon with the aid of these regulations, the organizers of
Italia 2018 will make a decision together with the Fepa Consultant.
6.2. The decisions of the OC as well as the evaluation of the Jury are final.
6.3. Communications with the exhibitors shall be only through the exhibition website or direct e-mail, depending on the matter treated.
6.4. By entering the application form, the exhibitor confirms the truthfulness of data provided and declares to know and to accept the regulations above quoted under Art. 5.1 as well as these IREX.
6.5. Exhibitor's personal data shall be treated according to the Italian law concerning use of personal data. Responsible for treatment is the Fsfi president.
6.6. The court of jurisdiction is Rimini, location of the Fsfi headquarters.
7. Official website and contact addresses
7.1. The official website is
7.2. The email address is info@italia2018.eu
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Article 1: Competitive Exhibits
In accordance with art. 1.4 of the General Regulations of the FIP for the Evaluation of Competitive Exhibits at FIP Exhibitions (GREV), these Special Regulations have been developed to supplement those principles with regard to Philatelic Literature. For further details, refer to the Guidelines to Philatelic Literature Special Regulations.
Article 2: Philatelic Literature Exhibits
2.1 Philatelic literature exhibits include all documents related to
a) The investigative research in the field of philately
b) The documentation, the education and the promotion of philately.
2.2 Philatelic literature documents can be published in two forms:
• Printed
• Digital
Digital documents may be stored in a dedicated memory (CD ROM, DVD, USB stick, etc.) readable on digital devices, and/or made available on the Internet.
Article 3: Classification of Philatelic Literature Exhibits
Philatelic literature exhibits will be subdivided as follows:
1) Books, specialized catalogues, special studies and other publications of primarily investigative research nature
2) Books and other publications of promotional and documentation nature
3) General Catalogues
4) Periodicals
5) Articles (collections of)
6) Websites
7) Application and entertainment software
8) Other digital works
Exhibits from 1) to 5) may be available in printed and/or digital form, whereas those from 6) to 8) are only in digital form.
Article 4: Criteria for Evaluating Exhibits
4.1 Philatelic literature exhibits will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
• Treatment of contents
• Originality, significance and depth of research or of the documentation
• Technical matters
• Presentation
4.2 The criterion "treatment of contents" requires an evaluation of the literary style, clarity, and skill in communication shown in the exhibit.
4.3 The criterion "originality, significance, and depth of research of the documentation” requires an evaluation of the overall significance of the subject matter presented in the exhibit, as well as the degree to which the exhibit displays original discoveries, research, analysis (exhibits as in art. 2.1.a) or documentation, promotion or education approaches to a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter (documents as in art. 2.1.b).
4.4 The criterion "technical matters" requires an evaluation of such aspects as:
• For printed publications: title page and imprint, pagination, credits, bibliography, index, and use of illustrations.
• For digital publications: user interface, search / navigation speed, usability, frequency of update (where pertinent).
4.5 The criterion "presentation" requires an evaluation of:
• For printed publications: the effect of binding, typography, and similar production factors on the usability of the publication. To avoid the impact of purely commercial aspects, this criterion will only be evaluated to the degree that it represents a negative factor.
• For electronic publications: the overall impression of the layout / web design in terms of self-evidence of the pages and the quality of the images.
Article 5: Judging of Exhibits
5.1 Literature exhibits will be judged by approved specialists in accordance with Section V (art. 31-46) of GREX (ref. GREV. art. 5.1).
5.2 For Literature exhibits, the following relative terms are presented to lead the Jury to a balanced evaluation (ref. GREV. art. 5.2):
| Printed | Digital |
Treatment of contents | 40 | 40 |
Originality, significance and depth of content | 40 | 40 |
Technical matters | 15 | 15 |
Presentation | 5 | 5 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Article 6: Concluding Provisions
6.1 In the event of any discrepancies in the text arising from translation, the English text shall prevail.
6.2 These Special Regulations for the Evaluation of Philatelic Literature Exhibits at FEPA Exhibitions were approved by the FEPA Congress on 28 May 2017 in Tampere. They took effect immediately following approval by the Congress.
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1. Supplementary Rules
These supplementary rules for exhibiting in the Philatelic Literature class of FEPA Exhibitions have been developed under art. 3.3 of the General Regulations of the FIP for Exhibitions (GREX) and will apply to all literature entries in FIP General and Specialized World Exhibitions (GREX art. 2).
2. Eligibility as Exhibitor
Entries may be exhibited by the author, compiler, editor, publisher, sponsoring organization or society, or any other individual or entity holding proprietary rights. In case such rights are held by more parties, they can apply jointly or separately; however only one application can be presented at the same exhibition. There is no limit to the number of entries presented by an exhibitor (GREX art. 15.1).
3. Special Situations
Multivolume entries are accepted as one entry as long as they have the same right holders. Otherwise they are considered as separate entries. The number of articles presented as a collection should be large enough to demonstrate adequately the characteristics of the work by the author(s). Manuscripts in printed or digital form are excluded from the competition. However, copies bearing the note ''Script Copy'' or copies on data storage devices are admitted to compete on condition they can be purchased and the address of the supplier source is clearly indicated.
4. Requirements for Application
No previous award at national level is required (GREX art. 10.3), hence recently published works may directly participate in a FEPA exhibition.
5. Time Limits for Participation
Entries classified under 1, 2 and 3 in SREV art. 3 (i.e. books, specialized catalogues, special studies and other publications, general catalogues) must have been published not earlier than 5 years prior to 1 January of the exhibition year. (GREX art. 10.3). For periodicals and collections of articles (4 and 5 in SREV art. 3) the publication date should be no earlier than 2 years prior to 1 January of the exhibition year (GREX art. 10.3). Entries classified under 6, 7 and 8 in SREV art. 3 (i.e. websites, application and entertainment software and other digital works no time limits are set. For multivolume works, the date of publication of each volume shall govern (GREX art. 10.3). Revised editions will be considered as new publications. For periodicals, the most recent complete volume or the issues of the last year/two years shall be exhibited.
6. Application form
A separate application form shall be used for each entry in the literature class. The exhibitor must provide all data needed for a correct bibliographic description of the entry, as well as a translation of the title and technical details in one of the FIP languages (GREX art. 11.2).
7. Submission of Entries
The O.C. shall ask exhibitors to submit one or two copies of the entry, depending of the arrangements for the judging schedule and the reading room. Number of copies, entry fee, deadline for delivery and relevant address are indicated in the IREX. The O.C. has the right to exclude from the competition any entry missing such deadline. Following the exhibition one entry shall be donated by the O.C. to a library designated by the member federation hosting the exhibition. In case of two copies the exhibitor may specifically ask for the return of one copy provided he/she accepts the relevant shipping costs. Otherwise the O.C. can dispose of /donate the second copy as well.
8. Entry Fee
The fee for an entry shall not exceed the fee for a frame in the general competition class of the same exhibition. In case the O.C. refuses the evaluation or the jury excludes an entry from the competition for reasons caused by the exhibitor, the O.C. is not obliged to refund the exhibition fees.
9. Composition of the Jury
Literature jurors must have a reading ability in at least two languages, one of which must be any of the four official FIP languages (art. 29.3 of the Statutes). Furthermore, at least one of the jurors should have a high level of IT skills.
10. Organization of Judging
The O.C. shall furnish the jurors a list of entries and, at best, a copy of the application forms (as they should provide more details about the entry) at least three months prior to the exhibition. In consideration of the shorter duration of exhibitions and the costs for a longer staying of literature jurors, a prejudging activity is recommended. In this respect, the deadline for submitting the entries should allow each juror sufficient time for evaluating at home a group of entries assigned according to his/her field of expertise and command of languages. The assignment to individual jurors shall be decided by the President of the Jury, taking into account both the logistic aspects of shipment to each juror and the balance of workload among jurors.
11. Digital Entries
Digital entries should be excluded from competition whenever:
• There is no indication of the author (Contact- and Subscription), or
• All or some sections are not accessible due to special restrictions (e.g. required user identification or password missing) or to technical faults preventing the total or partial examination of the entry.
In these cases the entry fee shall not be refunded. It is advisable that such faults are recorded, with attached hardcopies of error messages (if any).
12. Presentation of Entries
The O.C. has to make one copy of the entry available for public consultation in a reading room so that visitors may examine the entries (GREX art. 6.7). In case digital entries are presented, suitable equipment has to be installed in the judging room and in the reading room and technical support available in standby. The O.C. organizes the supervision, but is not liable for any damage or loss.
13. Awards
Only the exhibitor is entitled to a medal or a diploma equivalent to a medal. It is up to the O.C. to give the distinction(s) also to other joint applicants. The jury is permitted to combine various entries from one exhibitor for the purpose of judging (GREX art. 41.2). The jury may, in addition to the medal awarded, express Felicitations for those entries with outstanding merits in the one of the evaluation criteria (SREV art. 4; GREX art. 8.5). Literature entries having received at least 85 points are also eligible for special awards provided they have outstanding merits (GREX art. 8.6).
14. Unforeseeable Issues Whenever there are issues that cannot be decided upon with the aid of these regulations, the O.C. will make a decision after consultation with the FIP consultant. Such decision is final; no appeals may be lodged. In the event of any discrepancies in the text arising from translation, the English text shall prevail. |
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last update: 24/4/2018 |
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