Exhibition of Philatelic Literature
Verona, Italy, 23-25 November 2018
Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies

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News. The results by class and in alphabetical order; some pictures of the show.

Italia2018 literature is a very innovative exhibition:
• it is open to any work of philatelic literature: books, catalogues, magazines, journals, websites, software, audiovisuals, etc
• it accepts and evaluates separately research works and promotional and didactic works
• it requests one copy only of each entry
• it applies the new Fepa judging regulations
• the jury has a three months time for judging
• the applications are individual and can only be entered online

Books, magazines, journals, digital works from all over the world are invited to participate!

Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies
In cooperation with:
 Poste Italiane Filatelia
 Associazione Filatelica Numismatica Scaligera
With the Patronage of:
Fepa � Federation of European Philatelic Associations
Académie Européenne de philatélie / European Academy of Philately
Association internationale des journalistes philatéliques
Unione stampa filatelica italiana
And with the scientific and bibliographic advice of:
Istituto di studi storici postali ''Aldo Cecchi'' onlus


 last update: 24/4/2018   ©2025 FSFI