22nd “Augusto Massari” International Musical Thematic Philately Prize
Vasto, 15 - 17 September 2023
Circolo Filatelico Vastophil 'Rino Piccirilli'

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22nd “Augusto Massari” International Musical Thematic Philately Prize - Organizzazione

22nd “Augusto Massari” International Musical Thematic Philately Prize - Organizzazione



Article 1

The 22nd “Augusto Massari” International Musical Thematic Philately Prize will be awarded in Vasto - Italy on the occasion of the National Philatelic Exhibition VASTOPHIL 2023, scheduled from 15 to 17 September 2023.

Article 2

The “Augusto Massari” Award is organised by the Vasto Philatelic Circle according to the regulation issued by the CIFT (Italian Center for Thematic Philately) and has the patronage of the Italian Federation of Philatelic Societies (FSFI), represented by the Commissioner appointed by FSFI, who is the President of the Vasto Philatelic Circle, organiser of the 22nd “Augusto Massari” Prize.

Article 3

The “Augusto Massari” Prize is an exhibition organised according to the article 4.7 of the FSFI Regulation for Exhibitions and Juries, in the format: Exhibition in mixed form - formula “Un quadro più” (see Appendix), and it includes the following classes:

a) Open philately

b) Thematic philately

c) Philatelic literature

d) Maximaphily

in the following sections

a) Competition

b) One frame

c) Out of competitition

Applications for exhibits in the class of philatelic literature can be entered only in section competition.

Article 4

The application, drawn up on the appropriate form prepared by the organisation which will be available on the website of the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies (expo.fsfi.it) and on the website of the C.I.F.T. (www.cift.club) from 1st March 2023, must be sent by 10th July 2023 to the following e-mail address: presidentevastophil@virgilio.it.

Otherwise the exhibitor himself/herself can enter the application on the website http://expo.fsfi.it/index.php?CodiceExpo=PremioMassari22&Ambito=USER&Lingua=IT. 


Article 5

Each exhibitor must be a member of a philatelic club or a thematic group adhering to the Federation of the country of origin and must be the exclusive owner of the exhibit.

Article 6

The commission for the examination of application forms is composed of members of the Organising Committee: it will decide on the admission of the exhibits.

Exhibits of 16 A4 sheets participate in the "One frame class”.

The commission will communicate its decisions by 20th July 2023.

Exhibitors, whose application will have been accepted, will receive a confirmation email and will have to send the PDF file of the entire collection to the organising committee at the following email address: presidentevastophil@virgilio.it (using in the case of large files https://wetransfer.com/; https://www.swisstransfer.com/it-it or alternative channels) by 20th August 2023. Sheets will have to be scanned without the protective plastic envelope.

Article 7

The participation is free.

Article 8

Exhibits will have to be mounted on sheets (classic A4 format or another format according to the FIP canons). It is mandatory to insert the sheets in transparent protective envelopes of the same size.

Article 9

The exhibits must be sent by parcel post or by courier by 10th September 2023 to the address of the secretary of the Organising Committee:


Via Madonna dell'Asilo, 60

66054 VASTO (Chieti) – ITALY

The exhibits delivered by hand must be available to the Organising Committee no later than noon on Thursday 14th September 2023.

Article 10

The Organising Committee will adopt all the most appropriate security measures aimed at safeguarding the exhibits that it will be entrusted: however, it declines all responsibility in the event of theft, loss, damage, or other eventualities that the items for the exhibition could suffer during the transport and the exhibition. All material risks (theft, fire, damage of any kind) therefore will be borne by exhibitors.

Insurance for the period between shipment and return to the exhibitor's address is strongly recommended.

Article 11

The exhibits will be mounted on 14th September 2023 by the Organising Committee.

No exhibit may be modified or withdrawn even partially before the closure of the exhibition (1 PM on 17th September 2023). The dismounting will be carried out by the Organising Committee after the close of the exhibition. The exhibits will be returned by the same means with which they were sent to the Committee, at the Committee's expense.

Article 12

The jury will be appointed by the O.C., in agreement with the Secretary General of the Massari Prize, in accordance with the general regulation of the Prize.

The exhibits will be evaluated according to the Regulations (SREV) of the FIP for the classes under consideration.

Article 13

The prizes to be awarded consist of:

- The Augusto Massari Prize offered by the CIFT to the best exhibit.

- Large gold medal, gold medal, large vermeil, vermeil, large silver, silver, silver bronze, bronze, and participation diploma.

- Prizes offered by public authorities and others.

Article 14

The exhibits belonging to jury members and/or apprentice jurors will be shown out of competition.

Article 15

The Organising Committee reserves the right to make any changes it deems useful to these regulations. This decision is final.

Article 16

The submission of the application form implies acceptance of these Regulations.

Article 17

For any controversy that may arise, the Court of Vasto (Chieti) is competent.


Attachment - Extract from the "Regulations for mixed exhibition "Un quadro più" which can be downloaded at the following link: http://www.fsfi.it/federazione/Regolamentoesposizioniegiurie2023.pdf

The competition exhibition in mixed form "Un quadro più" requires that the first frame (12 A4 sheets) of each exhibit is shown in frames, while the entire exhibit is shown as a pdf file on the expo.fsfi.it website and can also be accessed at the venue of the event through PCs with large screens set up for this purpose.

In addition to what is required for the other exhibitions in mixed form, the organization of the event will also have to provide at the venue of the event no less than three workstations (computer and large screen) to view the pdf files of the entire collections. All the general rules for the organization and evaluation of the collections of exhibitions in mixed form apply, with the following specificities:

1. Exhibitors must send, within the terms, methods and with the characteristics that will be specified in the letter of acceptance, the complete and definitive scan of the exhibit in a single file in pdf format, together with the presentation form, the model of which will be attached to the acceptance letter.

2. Exhibitors must also send the first 12 original sheets of the exhibit (i.e., the first frame) to the organizing committee by the scheduled date. If an exhibitor does not send the first 12 sheets of the exhibit, or if he does not send the sheets corresponding to the first frame, the exhibit will not be evaluated, and no refund will be taken into consideration, unless the failure to send the first 12 sheets is not due to proven causes of force majeure.

3. A fixed registration fee for each collection may be requested from philatelists as a partial contribution to organizational expenses.

4. The evaluation of the exhibits will be carried out based on the pdf files that will be published in the portal dedicated to the event that will be set up on the FSFI website (expo.fsfi.it), as well as the first 12 sheets shown in the frames.

5. If the "one frame" section is included, the exhibits must be shown entirely in the frames at the venue of the event.

6. The jury may ask the exhibitors, through the Commissioner, to examine items that are shown in the frames following the first one, or live, if the exhibitor will be present at the exhibition venue, or electronically, using one of the platforms in use for videoconferences in the days preceding the exhibition, for those who cannot attend. The exhibit will therefore not be necessary to be entirely present at the venue of the event. Should the exhibitor refuse to comply with the Jury's request, the exhibit will be excluded from the event and the collector will be sanctioned with a ban on exhibiting for two years. The same penalty is considered if the jury verifies the presence of one or more identical postal documents in different participations entered in the same event.

Download the file of 'Regulation of the 22nd Massari Prize' in PDF format.
22nd “Augusto Massari” International Musical Thematic Philately Prize - Organizzazione




In order to keep alive the memory of Severino MASSARI, signatory of the Golden Roll of Italian Philately and member of the Italian Center of Thematic Philately (CIFT), who passed away in 1988 and was the creator of the International Music Philately Award dedicated to his father AUGUSTO MASSARI, composer and conductor, the CIFT MUSICA Group has decided to continue promoting this initiative, the organization of which will be entrusted to an Italian or foreign society that will request it, committing to comply with this regulation.


Art. 1 - The event must be organized directly and/or with the support of others, by a company or club member of the National Philatelic Federation of its own country which in turn is a member of the International Philately Federation (FIP). The organising society must carry out every action aimed at giving the maximum prominence to the Prize and to the Philatelic Exhibition which should obtain the support and, possibly the auspices or the patronage of the National Federation of the country where the event takes place. To be eligible to host the Award, it is essential that at least 1,800 album sheets, equal to 30 collections of 60 sheets each, be made available to the participating collections.

Art. 2 - The task of establishing the calendar of events is devolved to the Secretary General of the Award in the person of the Head of the "Music" Group of the Italian Center for Thematic Philately. He maintains contact with the National Thematic Associations and coordinates and supervises the organization of the event. In order to carry out his duties, he will be called to be a member of the Organizing Committee and must be on the exhibition venue during the event. He will therefore be responsible for the economic treatment to be paid by the organizers to the members of the Jury (reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses).

Art. 3 – The organising society must issue the SPECIAL REGULATION approximately one year before the date of the event. It must include: Date and place of the exhibition - Number of available frames and their size – back and forth shipping methods of the exhibits - Insurance and security service - etc. If possible, the frames will be made available to the participants free of charge.


Art. 4 - The Jury will be nominated by the organisers. It will be composed of at least five (5) members, possibly of international level, registered in their respective federal roll. Two (2) will be from the organizing nation, two (2) from other countries and one (1) who will be designated by the Secretary General of the Prize, of Italian nationality, representing the country promoting the A. Massari Prize. It is appropriate that at least one of the jurors has specific competence in music. The members of the jury are entitled to the economic treatment usually applied to the juries of national or international exhibitions according to the methods that will be communicated at the time of appointment. "Observers" or "apprentice jurors" without the right to vote may be admitted to the work of the jury upon nomination by the organisers or by the thematic associations of the countries they belong to. The Jury’s evaluation is final. After the proclamation of the "palmarés", one or more jurors will be available to clarify the evaluations with the exhibitors.

Art. 5 - The exhibits are judged according to the special regulation for the evaluation of FIP thematic exhibits.

Art. 6 – According to the jury’s evaluation, the best exhibit will be awarded the Augusto MASSARI Prize.


Art 7 - The participants must be the owners of the exhibits. Entries by philatelic dealers are not permitted. All collections that contain items deemed harmful according to the code of ethics issued by the FIP will be excluded from the judgment.

Art. 8 - The exhibit which is awarded the Augusto MASSARI Prize may be invited to participate out of competition in the two following editions of the Prize. After this period, it will be readmitted to the competition class. During this period the collector can still exhibit other collections in competition. Each collector can exhibit only one collection in competition.


Art 9 - The exhibits will be awarded the classification medal and the relative diploma. Individual exhibitors will be given the form containing the score. The classification prizes must be made available to the Jury by the organisers. They may be the same for everyone, but the level of medal achieved must be indicated on the diploma. (Large Gold - Gold – Large Vermeil - Vermeil – Large Silver - Silver - Silver Bronze - Bronze - Diploma).


Art. 10 - The Italian Center for Thematic Philately will grant its patronage to the event if the organising society complies with the Regulations and makes available the Augusto Massari Prize, consisting of a silver plate with a medal of Gold, with the engraving of the relevant wordings: C.I.ET. - AUGUSTO MASSARI International Prize for Musical Philately - Place and dates of the event.


Art. 11 - The organisers may set up a special section of "MUSIC PHILATELIC LITERATURE" also at international level. The works presented will be judged according to the FIP Regulations for the evaluation of philatelic literature participations, by the same Jury of the Augusto MASSARI Prize or by other jurors designated for this purpose by the organisers. These participants, too, will be awarded the diploma with the medal level achieved.

The Secretary General of the Prize, Head of the CIFT Music Group referred to in Article 2, is currently:

Valeriano Genovese

Via Siora Andriana del Vescovo, 7/B

31100 TREVISO - Italy

Mobile +393476948137

E-mail: valerianogenovese101@gmail.com

Download the file of 'General regulation of the Massari prize' in PDF format.