
  English version
Esposizione Filatelica Nazionale e di Qualificazione

Regolamento Speciale IREX

1. Romafil 2010 is the national stamp exhibition with international participation to be held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome from 29 to 31 October 2010, organized by Federation of the Italian Philatelic Societies (Fsfi) in the frame of the Romafil 2010, a philatelic event organized by Poste Italiane S.p.A.

2. Romafil 2010 is held under the patronage of Fsfi.

3. Romafil 2010 is governed by the General Regulations of the Fsfi for the Exhibitions which here are referred in full and form an integral and substantial part of these Individual Regulations, and by these Individual Regulations of Romafil 2010.

4. Exhibition Classes
Romafil 2010 includes the following Competitive Classes:
Class 1. Traditional Philately
Class 2. Aerophilately
Class 3. Thematic Philately
Class 4. Revenue

5. Participation is open to all collectors who are members of a society affiliated to Fsfi or to the invited federations of Greece, Portugal and Spain.

6. Each Federation listed under art. 5 shall appoint a national Commissioner who will be the solely responsible for maintaining contacts with the Commissioner General.

7. Exhibits admitted must have obtained at least 75 points at a national exhibition.

8. In order to be considered for the selection exhibitors shall submit an application form for each exhibit to the National Commissioner of their respective federation.

9. Exhibitors must declare to be the owners of the exhibit and provide their true identity in the application form.

10. National Commissioners must submit all application forms to the Commissioner General by 6 September 2010 latest.

11. Notification of acceptance or rejection of an application shall be sent to the National Commissioner by 20 September 2010.

12. National Commissioners shall collect the participation fee - 8 euro per frame - from the exhibitors and remit it to the Organizing Committee according to instructions that shall be provided.

13. The frames have a capacity of 12 pages in 3 rows of 4 pages.

14. Exhibits shall be allotted 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 frames, at exhibitor's choice.

15. Exhibits will be judged by a Jury composed of Italian and foreign members, either international or national ones according to the Fip regulations. Awards will be given considering the exhibition as a national one (LG at 90 points and above, and so on). The Jury shall award a prize to the best exhibit in each class and the Grand Prix of Romafil 2010 to the best exhibit in show. An exhibit can be awarded only one of these prizes.

16. Exhibits shall be preferably delivered via National Commissioners. The Organizing Committee will not provide special envelopes.

17. The Organizing Committee will take all appropriate security measures and will take out adequate civil liability insurance according to the Fip Grex. Exhibitors are bound to insure their exhibits covering the period from despatch of the exhibit to its return including damage or loss during transportation.

18. By signing the application form, the exhibitor declares to know and to accept the above quoted regulations. By countersigning the application form, the National Commissioner confirms the truthfulness of data provided by the exhibitor.

19. Any legal cases arising about the interpretation and execution of these Regulations shall be settled exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal of Rome.

20. Fsfi informs the exhibitors that personal data provided by them will be used according to the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree196/2003. Responsible for Personal Data Treatment, Piero Macrelli, via Mentana 19, 47921 Rimini.


Webmaster: Marco Occhipinti ultimo aggiornamento: 30/10/2010
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