Filatelia Tradizionale / Traditional Philately
ITA | Luisa Rossi Imperato | Lilliput | 1001-1007 |
ITA | Giorgio Bizzarri | Stato Pontificio | 1008-1017 |
ITA | Giuseppe Riccardo Spampinato | I bolli di Posta per i domini al di lŕ del Faro | 1018-1027 |
ITA | Saverio Imperato | Sardinia | 1028-1037 |
ITA | Renzo Aldighieri | La IV emissione di Sardegna | 1038-1044 |
ITA | Franco Moscadelli | IV di Sardegna - I colori | 1045-1051 |
ITA | Valerio Rossi | Kingdom of Italy proofs, essays definitive stamps De La Rue 1861-1878 | 1052-1061 |
ITA | Paolo Bianco | Kingdom of Italy. The 1867 20 cent. | 1062-1071 |
ITA | Bernardo Naddei | I Matraire d'Italia regno | 1072-1078 |
CZE | Josef Neumann | The First Postage Stamp | 1079-1085 |
NLD | Martien J. M. Blank | The telegraph of Great Britain | 1086-1092 |
SWE | Ĺke Rietz | Great Britain 1840 - 1870 | 1093-1102 |
CZE | Petr Radosta | Great Britain 1840 - 1873 | 1103-1109 |
NOR | Georg Střrmer | The first issues of Great Britain and the British Empire | 1110-1116 |
ZAF | Carolus Welling | Transvaal | 1117-1123 |
ESP | Ramon Maria Cortes De Haro | Espańa Isabel II - 1855/1865 - Spain Elisabeth II 1855-1865 | 1124-1133 |
ITA | Renato Filippo Bizzarri | Portogallo classico | 1134-1143 |
DEU | Michael Schewe | Königreich Sachsen - König Johann Ausgabe | 1144-1153 |
DEU | Rolf Beyerodt | Schleswig-Holstein vor 1868 | 1154-1163 |
AUT | Wolfgang Weigel | Denmark - The classic issues 1851 - 1864 | 1164-1173 |
DEU | Wilhelm Lambrecht | Dänemark - Die quadratischen Marken 1851-1863 | 1174-1183 |
FIN | Erkki Toivakka | Finland 1856 - 1875 | 1184-1193 |
RUS | Valery Glushchuk | Russian Stamp 1858-1917 | 1194-1203 |
PRT | Luís Frazăo | Angola - The first issues (1869-1898) | 1206-1212 |
CHE | Klaus Hoster | Bundesmarken Schweiz 1850 - 1862 | 1213-1219 |
GRC | Constantin Mattheos | Large Hermes Heads of Greece Used for Postage on Newspapers, Magazines, Books and Printed Matter (1861-1886) | 1220-1229 |
ESP | Luis Alemany Indarte | Brasil 1866/79 D. Pedro II | 1230-1239 |
ITA | Carlo Arlenghi | Italian perfins: trade perforations on Italian stamps | 1240-1249 |
ITA | Giampaolo Guzzi | Great Britain: the postage stamps of King Edward VIII | 1250-1256 |
ITA | Giovanni Cucchiani | The siege of Mafeking | 1257-1263 |
CAN | J. Edward Nixon | Canada 1870-1897: Small Queen Issue | 1264-1273 |
GBR | Eddie Bridges | The 1d Ship Issue of the Union of South Africa 1926-1954 | 1274-1280 |
AUS | John Gibson | Sudan, from 1852 to 1921 | 1281-1287 |
USA | Sandeep Jaiswal | Dhar Philately | 1288-1294 |
AUS | John Di Biase | The Postage Stamps of Western Australia | 1295-1304 |
AUS | Arthur Gray | The George V Commemorative and Pictorial Issues of Australia: 1927-1936 | 1305-1314 |
FRA | Edmond Andrau | Colis postaux (extrait) 1881-1945 | 1315-1324 |
AUS | Elsa Todd | Madagascar - The 1930 Definitive Series | 1325-1331 |
LUX | Maria Antunes | Die Durchlochungen Luxemburgs | 1332-1338 |
SWE | Douglas Storckenfeldt | Iceland until 1901 - skilding and original aur | 1342-1351 |
ITA | Paolo Bianchi | Portuguese East Africa Mozambique | 1353-1359 |
CHE | Heini Windels | Fürstentum Liechtenstein ab 1921 | 1360-1366 |
BEL | Michel Lambert | Quand le timbre se fait monnaie | 1367-1373 |
BEL | Hubert Caprasse | Les timbres rouleaux de Belgique | 1374-1380 |
DEU | Werner Wirges | Die I. Kontrollratsausgabe, Februar bis Mai 1946 | 1381-1387 |
NOR | Per E. Knudsen | Danish locals - The Copenhagen Area | 1388-1394 |
LTU | Edmundas Liesis | The first Lithuanian standart stamp issues 1919-1922 | 1395-1401 |
DNK | Ryan Hansen | Estonia 1782 - 1944 | 1402-1408 |
AUT | Gerhard Hanacek | Tschechoslowakei 1920 - 23 The Typography Issues | 1409-1418 |
CAN | Istvan Kecsedy | Hungarian Stamp Issues 1871-1898 | 1419-1425 |
CAN | Orville Osborne | Zemstvo - An Introduction to the Russian Rural Post | 1426-1432 |
UKR | Vitaly Katsman | Zemstvo Postage Stamps of Kharkov Province | 1434-1440 |
NLD | Victor Coenen | Bosnia-Herzegovina from Ottoman Occupation to 1918 | 1441-1447 |
HRV | Zeljko Gubijan | Albania 1913-1922 | 1448-1454 |
ALB | Bayram Peci | Albanian Philately in Years 1913 - 1953 | 1455-1461 |
GRC | Georgios Sparis | Commemorative issue of first Olympic Games Athens - 1896 | 1462-1471 |
CYP | Akis Christou | Greece: The 1927 & 1931/35 Landscape Issues | 1472-1478 |
TUR | Murat Hazinedaroğlu | Ottoman Empire Crescent Stamps 1876-1892 | 1479-1488 |
GRC | Panayotis Cangelaris | The Kingdom of Egypt (1922-1953) | 1489-1495 |
USA | Alfonso G. Zulueta, Jr. | Afghanistan: Habibullah Khan Period 1901-1919 | 1496-1502 |
DEU | Helmut Schimpfermann | Die vier Shree Pashupati-Ausgaben Nepals 1907 bis 1955 | 1503-1509 |
AUS | Raymond Todd | Chile - The 1910 Centenary Issue | 1510-1516 |
USA | Roger Brody | Series 1902/United States/A usage Study | 1517-1526 |
ITA | Daniele Biraghi | La Siracusana | 1527-1533 |
ITA | Giorgio Leccese | France: unissued and unadopted proofs and essays | 1534-1540 |
FIN | Kari Tapola | Finland model 1954 | 1541-1547 |
IRL | Brian Warren | The Bird Definitives | 1548-1554 |
CZE | Zdeněk Koupal | Czechoslovakia 1945 - 1953 | 1555-1564 |
CZE | Milo Hauptman | Czechoslovakia 1950 - 1961 Multistamp Flat Plate Printing From Steel engraving | 1565-1574 |
Storia Postale / Postal History
ITA | Fabio Galli | Genova and its mail from XV to XVII century | 2001-2010 |
ITA | Franco Rigo | Venice, the contagion, the quarantine, the disinfection, the quarantine hospitals (postal history of the office from the XVI to the XIX century) | 2011-2020 |
ITA | Adriano Cattani | Le vie postali d'Europa | 2021-2030 |
AUT | Heinrich Stepniczka | Mail In The Kingdom Of Lombardy-Venetia; Die Post Im Lombardisch-Venetianischen Königreich 1815-1866 | 2031-2037 |
ITA | Pietro Giribone | Introduzione ed uso dei bolli Déboursés nei dipartimenti napoleonici italiani | 2038-2044 |
ITA | Maurizio Stella | Lombardo-Veneto - gli annulli a penna sulla prima emissione | 2045-2051 |
ITA | Pierantonio Viotto | Kingdom of Lombardia and Veneto - Friuli postal documents 1850-1866 | 2052-2061 |
ITA | Sergio Leali | Lombardo-Veneto - Storia postale di una provincia: Mantova | 2062-2068 |
ITA | Luigi Sanson | La provincia di Treviso: bolli e annullamenti dal 1850 al 1866 | 2069-2075 |
ITA | Lorenzo Carra | 1866-1879. Tassate, tassazioni, segnatasse da e per il Veneto prima austriaco, poi italiano, con bolli austriaci e francobolli italiani | 2076-2082 |
GBR | Alan Becker | Port of Livorno Maritime and Disinfected Mail | 2083-2092 |
ITA | Thomas Mathŕ | Foreign mail transiting through the Roman States 1815-1852 | 2093-2099 |
ITA | Massimo Manzoni | Roman States - Postal rates to foreign destinations 1852-1867 | 2100-2106 |
ITA | Gaetano Palmigiano | Les taxes des Etats Pontificaux (1852/1870) | 2107-2113 |
ITA | Francesco Lombardo | Sicilia 1859-1860 lettere dirette fuori dell'isola | 2114-2120 |
ITA | Nino Aquila | Le timbrature borboniche di Sicilia sui francobolli della IV emisisone degli Stati Sardi e nel periodo del loro uso | 2121-2127 |
ITA | Gianfranco Jannuzzo | Annullamenti sardo italiani di Sicilia 31-5-1861 / 31-12-1863 | 2128-2134 |
ITA | Andrea Santostefano | Postal history of the province of Trapani 1786-1866 | 2135-2144 |
ITA | Mario Valiante | The formation of the kingdom of Italy | 2145-2151 |
ITA | Andrea Mori | The foreign correspondence of the Kingdom of Italy in the XIX century | 2152-2158 |
ITA | Giovanni Boschetti | Raggi limitrofi | 2159-2165 |
ITA | Enrico Carsetti | Uffici postali ambulanti ferroviari d'Italia dalle origini al 1900 | 2166-2172 |
ITA | Antonio Ferrario | Le vie di mare che unirono l'Italia (1859-1862) | 2173-2179 |
ITA | Valter Astolfi | Nascita e sviluppo del servizio telegrafico negli antichi Stati italiani | 2180-2186 |
FIN | Seija-Riitta Laakso | Shrinking the World | 2187-2196 |
FIN | Seppo Talvio | North Atlantic Mail 1767 - 1875 | 2197-2206 |
GBR | Jane and Michael Moubray | Transatlantic Mail from and through Great Britain 1840-1882 | 2207-2216 |
GBR | Alfred Bonnici | Mail by Messageries Imperiales to and via Malta (1853-66) | 2217-2226 |
FRA | Michel Coulanges | Les routes de poste du Sud-Est aux 17 & 18čme siecles | 2227-2233 |
FRA | Brigitte Abensur | Les petites postes de France | 2234-2243 |
ITA | Roberto Petrone | L'invention de Paris | 2244-2250 |
ITA | Federico Borromeo | The French mail in the West Indies | 2251-2260 |
FRA | Guy Dutau | Relations postales Franco-Chiliennes des origines jusqu'a 1883 | 2261-2270 |
ESP | Horacio Pedraza Segura | Historia postal de los antiguos Reinos de Granada y Sevilla | 2271-2280 |
ESP | Juan Esterich Malmo | Historia Postal de Baleares | 2281-2290 |
ESP | Juan Manuel Cerrato Garcia | Historia postal de la Primera Guerra Carlista | 2291-2297 |
PRT | Manuel Ângelo Lima Torres | Portuguese pré-philatelie | 2298-2307 |
PRT | Pedro Vaz Pereira | Nominative marks used in adhesive period between 1853-1900 | 2308-2317 |
CHE | Adriano Bergamini | Lettere dall'estero per il Ticino pre UPU | 2318-2324 |
DEU | Friedrich Meyer | Das Thurn und Taxis Postamt in der Hansestadt Bremen - Briefe zwischen 1679 u. 1867 | 2325-2331 |
DEU | Arnim Knapp | Korrespondenz des Königreich Sachsen mit den Alt-Italienischen Staaten | 2332-2338 |
SWE | Jan-Olof Ljungh | Brustschilde 1872 - 1875 | 2339-2348 |
GBR | Idor Gatti | Bulgaria: The Austrian Post Offices | 2349-2355 |
AUT | Gerald Heschl | Von, nach und über Österreich - Vorphila | 2356-2365 |
AUT | Eduard Heschl | Vorphila Oberösterreich | 2366-2372 |
AUT | Wilhelm Demuth | Österreich Die Poststempel und ihre Entwicklung zur Zeit der 1. Postmarkenserie 1850 - 1858 in Kreuzerwährung | 2373-2382 |
MNE | Tomo Katuric | Postal History of Bocca di Cattaro 1809-1875 | 2383-2392 |
SWE | Kersti och Bertil Larsson | Swedish Postal History up to around 1880 | 2393-2402 |
NOR | Gerd Andersen | More to Pay | 2403-2409 |
NOR | Trond K. Schumacher | Finmark Postal history up to 1876 | 2410-2416 |
POL | Jerzy Jakubik | Registered Mail Kingdoms of Poland | 2417-2423 |
ROM | Constantin Milu | Romania: Classic Postal History 1858-1872 | 2424-2433 |
SRB | Jovan Ristic | Belgrade during the prephilatelic period 1814-1866 | 2434-2440 |
TUR | Mehmet Edip Agaogullari | Postal History of Thrace | 2441-2447 |
EGY | Samir Amin Fikry | Egyptian Postal Services in the Suez Canal Zone | 2448-2454 |
USA | Steven Walske | Transatlantic Packet Mail Between the USA and France 1840-1875 | 2455-2461 |
USA | Vernon R. Morris, Jr. | Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: Carrier, Local Posts, and Independent Mails, 1835-1867 | 2462-2471 |
USA | George J. Kramer | The Telegraph in America | 2472-2478 |
USA | James Peter Gough | UPU: Rules, Regulations & Rates | 2479-2488 |
ITA | Leonardo Buffo | Storia postale di Umberto I 1878-1900 | 2489-2495 |
ITA | Claudia Massucco | Usi della serie definitiva denominata Floreale in partenza dal territorio metropolitano | 2496-2502 |
ITA | Vittorio Coscia | Mail art in Italia | 2503-2509 |
ITA | Vincenzo Portulano | Le comunicazioni postali sul Lago di Garda | 2510-2516 |
SVN | Veselko Gutin | Trieste, Gorizia and Slovene Littoral from 1918 to 1938 | 2517-2523 |
ITA | Giuseppe Di Padova | La storia postale militare e gli interi postali | 2524-2530 |
ITA | Francesco Grandinetti | The blind people mail | 2531-2537 |
DEU | Jürgen Glietsch | Die italienischen Postämter in Konstantinopel und Smyrna 1908-1923 | 2538-2544 |
ITA | Francesco Serrao | L'occupazione italiana delle isole dell'Egeo 1912-1943 | 2545-2551 |
GRC | Antony Virvilis | The role of Health Offices and Lasarets in Greece | 2552-2561 |
ITA | Mario Carloni | Dodecanese | 2562-2571 |
CHE | Robert Wightman | Dodecanese Islands: Postal History | 2572-2581 |
ITA | Antonio Lampariello | Storia postale dell'emissione Etiopia | 2582-2588 |
ITA | Emanuele M. Gabbini | Eastern Italian Africa: postal relationship with foreign countries | 2589-2595 |
DNK | Christian Jantzen | The 1915-issue of Belgium | 2596-2605 |
LUX | Goebel Raymond | Luxembourg: incoming mail before Word War | 2606-2615 |
IRL | Anthony Hughes | Westmeath 1840 to Mid 20th Centuy | 2616-2622 |
ZAF | Herwig Kussing | Germany - The Postal Rates in 1923, the last year of the Inflation Period. | 2623-2629 |
AUT | Wolfgang Reisner | The Austrian-Hungarian Navy - The operative fleet in the Adriatic See between 1914-18 | 2630-2636 |
AUT | Fritz Puschmann | Die K.K. Post in den Donaufürstentümern Moldau & Walachei und in der Dobrudscha | 2637-2646 |
SRB | Milan Radovanovic | Serbia in Exile 1916 - 1918 | 2647-2653 |
HRV | Nikola Marakovic | Bosnia and Herzegovina until 1900 | 2654-2663 |
LTU | Eugenijus Uspuras | Post services in Lithuania during German occupation 1941-1944 | 2664-2670 |
HUN | Lili Kendra | The Postal History of Pengő-Fillér Era | 2671-2677 |
RUS | Vladimir Tyukov | Military correspondence in the Russian Empire | 2678-2684 |
FRA | Roger-Charles Viet | Les censures militaires 1914/1918 de Russie Imperiale | 2685-2691 |
GBR | Otto Hornung | Postal history of the Carpatho Ukraine | 2692-2701 |
TUR | Mahir Özeltürkay | Turkey Postal History 1840-1928 | 2702-2708 |
GRC | Michele Petradakis | Dodecanese - The Ottoman Post Offices (1868-1912) | 2709-2715 |
EGY | Ibrahim Ismail Shoukry | Egypt - Rural Service 1889-1939 | 2716-2725 |
FRA | Joseph Frassati | Histoire Postale du Maroc avant 1912 | 2726-2735 |
FIN | Juha Kauppinen | Ethiopian Postal History 1895 - 1936 | 2736-2745 |
GBR | Kenneth G. Clark | Military Related Mail of Korea 1894-1911 | 2746-2755 |
USA | Armando E. Grassi | United States External Mail Routes1856-1870 | 2756-2762 |
ITA | Marco Paolo Sangalli | Umberto II - Il re di maggio | 2763-2769 |
ITA | Fabio Petrini | La Democratica 1 ottobre 1945-31 dicembre 1952. Usi tipici, speciali e falsi | 2770-2776 |
ARG | Gustavo Luis Comin | Tarifas de la emision ''Italia Al Lavoro'' - Issue ''Italia Al Lavoro'' | 2777-2783 |
ARG | Jorge Eduardo Moscatelli | Argentina Postal History 1923-1945 Definitive Issues | 2784-2793 |
ITA | Corrado Carli | Trieste 1945 dalla guerra alla pace | 2794-2800 |
SVN | Branko Morenčič | From Trieste and Istria to the Alps 1943-1954 | 2801-2807 |
HRV | Damir Novakovic | Postal use of Zone B stamps 1945 - 1947 | 2808-2814 |
CYP | Stefanos Stefanou | Cyprus Civil Censorship 1939-1945 | 2815-2821 |
ARG | Miguel Jose Casielles | Eva Peron Edition 1952-55 | 2822-2831 |
Aerofilatelia / Aerophilately
ITA | Francesco Dal Negro | Assedio di Parigi | 3001-3007 |
ITA | Ferdinando Giudici | Souvenir du siege de Paris (1870-1871) | 3008-3017 |
CHE | Eckhard Förster | Zeppelin Pionierpost | 3018-3027 |
CHE | Armando Furrer | Luftfahrt von Italien ohne Kolonien / Aviazione dell'Italia senza le Colonie | 3028-3034 |
ITA | Costantino Gironi | Italian air-mail and Italian pilots airmail abroad | 3035-3044 |
FRA | Gérard Collot | Ligne nogues (France-Chine 1911-1940) | 3045-3054 |
ITA | Lino Lensi | Italian airmail services to East Africa | 3057-3063 |
ITA | Bruno Reiter | European airlines | 3064-3070 |
CHE | Edmond Martin | La poste aérienne Suisse de 1900 ŕ 1948 | 3071-3080 |
CHE | Hermann Widmer | Poste aérienne Suisse | 3081-3087 |
BGR | Krastio Krastev | The evolution of the Bulgarian air mail | 3088-3094 |
HUN | Zoltán Koleszár | Die Geschichte der ersten internationalen Zivilluftpost der Welt Budapest-Wien-Krakau-Lemberg-Kiev | 3095-3104 |
POL | Jacek Kosmala | Airmail Services on the Polish Territories 1914-1939 | 3105-3114 |
SRB | Sava Velickovic | Airmail of Yugoslavia 1923-1941 | 3115-3121 |
HUN | György Lövei | Chapters of the Czech-Slovakian Air-Mail Service from 1920-1939 | 3122-3128 |
ZAF | Neville E. Polakow | South African Airmails | 3129-3138 |
USA | Andrew McFarlane | The 1928 U.S. Beacon Airmail | 3139-3145 |
USA | Roger G. Schnell | Bolivian Airmail 1925-1937 | 3146-3152 |
ESP | Vicente Pastor Perdiguero | Vuelos catapultados | 3153-3162 |
AUS | Ross Wood | Flying Boats over the Pacific (Basin) | 3163-3169 |
GBR | Arthur Woo | The Fifth South American Zeppelin Flight of 1933 | 3170-3176 |
ITA | Flavio Riccitelli | Il servizio aeropostale della LATI con il Sudamerica | 3177-3186 |
GBR | Martyn Cusworth | Il Servico Aereo Condor - Lati per La America Latina (1939-41) | 3187-3193 |
ITA | Francesco La Scalia | Giro aereo internazionale di Sicilia | 3194-3200 |
ITA | Eligio Di Mento | La posta in Italia per elicottero | 3201-3207 |
ITA | Carlo Milanesi | Voli con elicottero in Italia (dai primi esperimenti ai giorni nostri) | 3208-3214 |
Filatelia Tematica / Thematic Philately
USA | Vincent De Luca | Leonardo da Vinci: The Universal Man | 4001-4010 |
SVN | Lara Plavčak | Albrecht Durer's World of Art | 4011-4017 |
CHE | Jean-Michel Baechler | Regard sur l'architecture | 4018-4027 |
POL | Wieslaw Studziński | History of the European Architecture | 4028-4037 |
ITA | Maurizio Amato | Romanesque architecture | 4038-4047 |
ARG | Meguerdich Papazian | La Opera, un arte | 4048-4054 |
ITA | Gilberto Gradari | La repubblica del leone | 4055-4061 |
NLD | Dirk Speksnijder | Founding father of the United States | 4062-4068 |
SWE | Anders Olason | The American Civil War 1861 - 65 - background, course of events and aftermath | 4069-4078 |
CHE | Charles Aeberhard | Histoire de l'Europe contemporaine | 4079-4088 |
ITA | Alviero Batistini | After two world wars - The European Union | 4089-4098 |
ITA | Cesare Giorgianni | Hitler - Da Braunau a Danzica | 4099-4105 |
GBR | Jim Etherington | 1940 - A Desperate Year for Britain | 4106-4112 |
ISR | Lawrence Fisher | Jewish homeland - Struggle for survival | 4113-4119 |
DEU | Thomas Radzuweit | Die Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen - Vom Völkerbund zur UNO | 4120-4129 |
BGR | Stefan Stefanov | Red Cross | 4130-4136 |
ESP | Estanislao Pan De Alfaro | La aventura del escultismo | 4137-4143 |
AUS | Daryl Kibble | Angelic Beings: Our Story | 4144-4153 |
DEU | Ulrich Jobsky | Die Reformation des Dr. Martin Luther - das ist mehr als der Anschlag von 95 Thesen | 4154-4163 |
ARG | Luis Rosario Miceli | La Congregacion Salesiana | 4164-4170 |
CHE | Marcel Jaques | Femme, je vous aime... | 4171-4177 |
ISR | Yohanan Mey-Raz | Watch yourself very carefully | 4178-4184 |
BEL | Vincent Poncelet | Le vętement | 4185-4191 |
CHE | Jean-Pierre Tornare | Le carnaval | 4192-4198 |
RUS | Valery Zhokhov | The Olympic traditions will live | 4199-4208 |
SVK | Peter Osusky | Like a phoenix from its ashes (Olympic movement 1940-1948) | 4209-4215 |
GRC | Ioakim Chalvatzidopoulos | The Football | 4216-4222 |
ITA | Pierangelo Brivio | From ''football'' to ''soccer'' | 4223-4232 |
ITA | Giorgio Sini | Olympic and world football | 4233-4239 |
EST | Yuri Belyuga | From the History of Olympic Football | 4240-4246 |
GBR | Ron Backhouse | Anyone for Tennis? | 4247-4253 |
TUR | Ahmet Gurkan | The Equestrian Sports | 4254-4260 |
ITA | Arnaldo Pesaresi | La storia dello sci | 4261-4267 |
HUN | Artúr Bánás | History and Appliances of Alpine Skiing | 4268-4274 |
SVK | Ivan Trancik | Winter Sports and Olympic Games | 4275-4281 |
ITA | Pasquale Polo | Two wheels is life | 4282-4291 |
FRA | Bernard George | Quand la pétrolette devient motocyclette | 4292-4298 |
GBR | John Hayward | The Iron Steed | 4299-4305 |
BLR | Valery Bondarik | Automobile World | 4306-4312 |
NLD | Eef M. A. Limmen-Stegemeijer | Illuminated guards on the coast | 4313-4319 |
SVN | Boris Andrej Rupnik | Lighthouse Guiding Star for Seamen | 4320-4326 |
ISR | Izhak Barak | History of Aviation and Airmail until 1914 | 4327-4333 |
LTU | Henrikas Kebeikis | Men in the moon | 4334-4340 |
RUS | Oleg Polyakov | The USSR - USA: from race to cooperation | 4341-4350 |
ROM | Gheorghe Mariuta | Aspects of the post office activities | 4351-4357 |
ESP | Jose Maria Ulacia Ortiz De Urbina | A bridge across the Atlantic - Un puente sobre el Atlantico | 4358-4364 |
ITA | Marco Occhipinti | Geology | 4365-4371 |
NLD | André Scheer | Masks of the Universe | 4372-4381 |
POL | Marek Zbierski | Chemie - Schlüssel für ein besseres Leben | 4382-4391 |
SWE | Bengt-Göran Österdahl | The history of chemistry | 4392-4401 |
ITA | William Susi | Dens sanus in corpore sano | 4402-4408 |
CHE | Jeremias Weibel | Faszination tierischer Verhaltsweisen anhand ausgesuchter Beispiele | 4409-4418 |
DNK | Leif W. Rasmussen | Animals subjected to Man | 4419-4425 |
CHE | Charles-Ami Bourret | Les chevaux | 4426-4435 |
DEU | Peter Riebe | Nordlandhunde in Aktion | 4436-4442 |
NLD | Peter van Nies | The family life of birds | 4443-4452 |
NOR | Helge R. Grastveit | Pretty Polly | 4453-4462 |
ITA | Francesco De Simone | Piccole e dolci: le api | 4463-4469 |
CHE | Josette Wasem | L'orchidée, cette inconnue | 4470-4476 |
ITA | Ermanno Musso | Les champignons et nous | 4477-4483 |
ITA | Giovanni Licata | The palm, a royal plant | 4484-4490 |
DEU | Lutz König | Pigeons - Great diversity in the wild-Domesticated and admired by man | 4491-4500 |
AUT | Alfred Kunz | Wein - Geschichte, Kultur & Wirtschaft | 4501-4510 |
FRA | Bernadette Rouch | Le bois dans tous ses États | 4511-4517 |
ITA | Alfio Fiorini | Agri-cultura | 4518-4527 |
FRA | Egon Habé | Si la Boulangerie-Patisserie m'était Contée | 4528-4537 |
Maximafilia / Maximaphily
UKR | Veslav Savin | Pages d'histoire de l'Art française | 5001-5007 |
ITA | Vincenzo Scicutella | La scultura nei secoli | 5008-5014 |
CAN | George Constantourakis | Greco-Roman Sculpture | 5015-5024 |
ROM | Andrei Potcoava | Des styles et des influences europeenes dans l'architecture Roumaine | 5025-5031 |
GRC | Georgios Douzos | La vie de Jesus Christ sur la Terre | 5032-5038 |
ITA | Celeste Barducci | Personaggi celebri d'Europa | 5039-5045 |
ITA | Rosario D'Agata | Cause, personaggi ed eventi della 2Ş guerra mondiale | 5046-5052 |
PRT | David Rodrigues Cruz | Les militaires dans La Paz et dans la Guerre | 5053-5062 |
BGR | Radostina Mutafchieva | The power and vision of the human mind | 5063-5069 |
ALB | Nikolla Xharo | National Dress of Albania | 5070-5076 |
ITA | Italo Greppi | Bell'Italia | 5077-5083 |
ITA | Cesare Rialdi | La Germania | 5084-5090 |
ITA | Dino Taglietti | Francia turistica | 5091-5097 |
FRA | Anny Boyard | Tourisme en France, vu par Barré-Dayez | 5098-5104 |
Un Quadro / One-frame
ITA | Giuseppe Cirneco | Dallo Sparre ai De La Rue | 6001 |
BEL | Mark Bottu | Albert I with Kepi - From design to emission | 6002 |
BEL | Hendrik Slabbinck | Railway Stamps 1915 - Gevleugeld Wiel | 6003 |
NLD | Leo de Kaper | Personal computer postage in the Netherlands | 6004 |
FRA | Louis Fanchini | Epreuves & Essais de la ''grosse tęte d'Hermčs'' de Grčce | 6005 |
RUS | Viacheslav Klochko | Astronauts as the artists of postal stamps | 6006 |
SRB | Zoran R. Boskovic | The Knin provisional issue from 1993 | 6007 |
EGY | Sherif Samra | Provisional Issue 5 & 10 Paras 1879 | 6008 |
EGY | Markos Messiha | King Fouad ''Postes'' issue 1936-1937 | 6009 |
CAN | Fred Fawn | The Dominion of Canada: the 15 cent Large Queen 1868 | 6010 |
CAN | Jean-Jacques Tillard | St-Pierre et Miquelon: la tete de pecheur, premier timbre propre aux iles | 6011 |
ESP | Fernando Cabello Borras | Falsos postales de Cuba | 6012 |
USA | Reuben A. Ramkissoon | The Trinidad One Fraction Label that Became a Half Penny Postage Stamp for a Day | 6013 |
ITA | Claudio Ernesto Manzati | Symbols and inscriptions for urgent mail to Italy from XV to XIX century | 6014 |
ITA | Giampaolo Bernardis | Disinfection of the letters | 6015 |
ITA | Luigi M. Impallomeni | Lettere dalla Toscana agli USA | 6016 |
ARG | Piero Falzaresi | Compańia Sarda Transatlantica - Company Transatlantic Sarda | 6017 |
ITA | Luca Lavagnino | L'ufficio postale di Cuneo durante l'amministrazione francese 1801-1814 | 6018 |
ITA | Carlo Vicario | Le agenzie postali 1894-1899 | 6019 |
ITA | Giuseppe Salvatore | I servizi postali nelle strutture alberghiere italiane | 6020 |
ITA | Flavio Pini | Postal usage of the first stationery card of the Italian kingdom | 6021 |
ITA | Giuliano Padrin | Roma-Frascati (1856-1860) - Un servizio ''espresso'' privato | 6022 |
ITA | Renato Capuano | La Divisione Acqui e la posta (1940-1943) | 6023 |
ITA | Carlo Sopracordevole | Gli interi postali provvisori della della R.S.I. nei loro periodi d'uso | 6024 |
ITA | Enio Spurio | AMG-VG postal rates, postal letter cards | 6025 |
ZAF | Hendrik P. Laubscher | Italian Prisoners of War in South Africa & South African Prisoners of War in Italy. | 6026 |
USA | Kees Adema | Means of European Mail Transport to 1600 | 6027 |
SWE | Harry Snarvold | North Atlantic mail sailings connected with Norway up to UPU | 6028 |
DEU | Christian Springer | Sächsische Briefe aus der Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges 1618-1648 | 6029 |
DEU | Renate Springer | Sachsen in der napoleonischen Epoche | 6030 |
SWE | Richard Bodin | Swedes in active service in Finland 1918 - 1919 | 6031 |
NOR | Wilfred Wasenden | Letters in the 1700's handled by the Norweigan Post or forwarded by Courier | 6032 |
EST | Jaan Otsason | Publicity Slogans and Advertising Markings Applied by Estonian Post in 1922-1940 | 6033 |
MNE | Jelisaveta Katuric | Marine Feldpost from Austro-Hungarian Navy Ships 1914-1918 | 6034 |
SVK | Peter Csicsay | Cancellations of the postal agencies of Csallokoz (1902-1921) | 6035 |
CAN | Jan J. Danielski | Internment of Polish Servicemen in Latvia & the Soviet Union 1939-1941 | 6036 |
HRV | Matej Glavic | Novska - Post traffic | 6037 |
GRC | Dimitrios Sparis | The first railway cancellations in Greece | 6038 |
CYP | Christakis P. Ioannou | The Cyprus Government Railway Post Offices 21.10.05 - 31.12.51 | 6039 |
EGY | Samir Nabih Attia | The Private Post Office in Egypt, Thomas Cook & Sons Tourist Agency | 6040 |
ZAF | Harry Birkhead | Rustenburg: The V.R. Handstamped Issue & Other Mails of 1900 | 6041 |
ARG | Hector Alberto Di Lalla | Mensajerias provinciales de los Departamentos del Oeste - Pcia. Cordoba | 6042 |
ARG | Roberto Nestor Cravero | 1 Peso - Mapa sin limites | 6043 |
USA | David D'Alessandris | Cross-Border Mail via the Cunard Line: Mail Between the U.S. and Nova Scotia 1840-67 | 6044 |
ITA | Enzo Calabrese | North-Atlantic Italian air cruise | 6045 |
UKR | Dmytro Frenkel | First Russian Commercial Airline Moskow-Smolensk-Koenisberg-Berlin | 6046 |
ISR | Les Glassman | Airmails from the Mosambique company | 6047 |
ITA | Francesco Montanaro | Cosimo Renella: i voli in Equador 1929-1932 | 6048 |
USA | Allen Klein | Salute to U.S.S. Shenandoah, America's First Giant Rigid Airship | 6049 |
GBR | Brian Hyner | Airship breaks Treaty | 6050 |
RUS | Yury Golant | The parachute mail | 6051 |
NLD | Maarten Bakker | Bravo Verdi | 6052 |
CAN | Frank Alusio | Giovanni Caboto and his discovery of Canada | 6053 |
ITA | Mario Mangano | L'epopea floriana nella Sicilia ottocentesca | 6054 |
MKD | Klime Popovski | St.Cyril and St.Methodius - Slav teachers, patrons of Europe | 6055 |
MKD | Dimitar Svirkov | Mother Teresa | 6056 |
AUS | Linda Lee | Mother's Day | 6057 |
NLD | Trudie Bakker-Dijcks | Toys and games, not age-related | 6058 |
HUN | László Miklós | Sport and the Antique Art | 6059 |
USA | Andrew Urushima | The Olympic Jubilee-Lausanne 1944 | 6060 |
POL | Roman Andrzej Babut | To Survivre with the Honour... Sport and Olympic Spirit in P.O.W. Camps | 6061 |
ITA | Andrea Francesconi | I classici del calcio | 6062 |
ITA | Salvatore Picconi | Il portiere nel calcio | 6063 |
ROM | Andrei Radulescu | Bobsleigh | 6064 |
MKD | Liljana Antonovska | Horse | 6065 |
ROM | Mihai Ceuca | The Elephant | 6066 |
MKD | Sinisa Pavleski | Parrots | 6067 |
NLD | Guurtje C. Bakker-Bakker | Plants in every day living | 6068 |
USA | Phillip J. Stager | Pineapples | 6069 |
Letteratura Filatelica / Philatelic Literature
ARG | Gustavo De La Torre | Rivadavia 5c. Argentina 1864-1872. Metodo de identificacion y clasificacion | |
AUS | Ben Palmer | The Pre-UPU Destination Mail of Victoria | |
CAN | Andrew Chung | The national Christmas seals of Canada 1927-2008 | |
CAN | Istvan Kecsedy | A New Look at the Printing Elements Production of the 1850 Kreuzer and Centes Stamp Issues | |
CAN | Joseph Monteiro | Canadian Postage Stamp Errors of the Queen Elizabeth II Era | |
CZE | Milo Hauptman | Flat plate printing from steel engraving, 1. and 2. volume | |
CZE | Lubor Kunc | Postal History of World War I | |
HRV | Ivan Martinas | The Stamps of Rijeka, Fiume 1918 - 1924 | |
HRV | Damir Novakovic | Stamps and Postal History of Trieste, Pola, Fiume, Istria and Slovene Littoral under Yugoslav Military Administration 1945 - 1947 | |
HRV | Mladen Vilfan | Local and unofficial issues Croatia 1918 - 1919, 1941 - 1944 | |
HRV | Radovan Vukadinovic | NATO - Euroatlantska integracija (Euroatlantic integration) | |
DEU | Springer Christian und Renate | Das Oberlausitzer Postsystem 1678-1816 | |
DEU | Karlfried Krauß | The Prussian Numeral Cancellations - Documentation ans Catalogue | |
DEU | Wolfgang Maassen | Die Geschichte des Prüfwesens in der deutschen Philatelie (1860-1945) | |
DEU | Jan Olchowik | 160 years postal system of Rude | |
DEU | Gerhard Torz | Die Zeit des Plebiszits in Oberschlesien 1920-1922. Eine Reise durch die Philatelie | |
GBR | Edward Proud | Intercontinental Airmails - Volume 1: Transatlantic & Pacific; Volume 2: Asia & Australasia | |
GBR | Frank J. Wilson | Railway Letter Stamps 1957-2007 | |
GRC | Nicolas Bergiopoulos | Catalogue-Study of Greek Commemorative Cancellations 1981-1990 | |
GRC | Ioanis Dais | Views to the administrative seals and postmarks of the General Post (1821-1901) | |
GRC | Georgios E. Kokonakis | Genuine and false overprints on stamps of Greek interest | |
GRC | Georgios E. Kokonakis | Genuine and forged postal seals of Greek interest | |
GRC | Michele Petradakis | I Fiscali del Dodecaneso | |
MNE | Nikola Nikotic | Philately in the town Bar | |
ITA | Vanni Alfani | Toscana - Organizzazione postale dal 1700 al 1851 | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | Somalia AFI - Le carte valore postali | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | Il plattaggio del 100 lire Democratica con ruota alata 1° tipo | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | I ritocchi del 100 lire Democratica 1Ş lastra | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | La Donna nell'Arte | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | Varietŕ di riporto nei francobolli della Repubblica Italiana | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelica Numismatica Italiana ''Alberto Diena'' | Romafil 2008 | |
ITA | Associazione Italiana di Aerofilatelia | Romaer 2005 | |
ITA | Associazione Italiana di Aerofilatelia | Orbetello 2006 | |
ITA | Associazione Italiana di Aerofilatelia | Milano 2008 | |
ITA | Associazione Nazionale Collezionisti Annullamenti Italiani | Catalogo degli annulli speciali italiani 1871-1946 | |
ITA | Mario Carloni | Storia postale del Dodecaneso | |
ITA | Centro Studi Internazionale di Storia Postale | Risorgimento mantovano - 140° anniversario dell'unione di Mantova all'Italia | |
ITA | Centro Studi Internazionale di Storia Postale | Mantova 1704-2004. Trecento anni di posta | |
ITA | Centro Studi Internazionale di Storia Postale | Pozzolengo nel Risorgimento italiano 1848-1859-1866 | |
ITA | Sergio Chieppi | Dal Granducato a Firenze capitale | |
ITA | Sergio Chieppi | Al nome di dio e del guadagno | |
ITA | Circolo Filatelico Lavagnese | Il servizio postale a Lavagna all'inizio del' Ottocento | |
ITA | Circolo Filatelico Numismatico Tarcentino | Annulli tondo-riquadrati e documenti postali del Friuli | |
ITA | Maria Luisa Corino | Il segreto epistolare nel periodo della civiltŕ della carta - The secrecy of correspondence | |
ITA | Enzo De Angelis | Il francobollo da 1/2 tornese del 1860 ''Croce di Savoia'' | |
ITA | Tommaso De Russis | La Puglia nella filatelia Vol. VI | |
ITA | Luigi M. Impallomeni | Toscana 2008 - La posta toscana del periodo Dauchy | |
ITA | Landmans snc | 1859-1860 Storia postale dei francobolli di Sicilia | |
ITA | Antonio A. Piga | RSI 1943-1945 Catalogo degli annulli RP PAGATO e RR POSTE TS usati come sostituti di affrancatura - 3 volumes | |
ITA | Franco Rigo | Venezia - I luoghi della scrittura e della posta (dal XII al XVIII secolo) | |
ITA | Franco Rigo | Venezia - il contagio, la contumacia, la disinfezione, i lazzaretti. Storia postale della sanitŕ dal XVI al XIX secolo. | |
ITA | Franco Rigo | La galea | |
ITA | UFI - Italia (Unione Filatelisti Interofili) | Telegrammi pubblicitari italiani (Speciale n.2 L'Intero Postale) | |
ITA | Unione Filatelica Lombarda - Associazione Italiana di Storia Postale | Milanexpo 2009 - Esposizione Filatelica Nazionale | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | La partita del centenario - 100 anni di basketball | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | Universiade Torino 2007 - La storia filatelica delle Universiadi e non solo... | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | Due ruote č vita - Two wheels is life | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | XX Giochi Olimpici invernali Torino 2006 | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | Living athletics ''Track&field'' | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | Baron Pierre De Coubertin - Storia filatelico-postale | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | Vincitori di medaglie ai giochi olimpici invernali | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | The Rimet cup | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | I giochi del Mediterraneo - Storia filatelica e postale 1951-2009 | |
ITA | Vaccari srl | Tavole di Sicilia | |
ITA | Vaccari srl | Letter mail from and to the old Italian states 1850-1870 | |
ITA | Vaccari srl | La collezione Emil Capellaro - Regno Lombardo-Veneto | |
NOR | Tore Gjelsvik | The Nordland Post Office - On Land and at Sea | |
POL | Jerzy Gruszczyński | From Siberia to Independant Poland 1914-1921 | |
POL | Zygmunt Wiatrowski & Przemysław Drzewiecki | Essential Knowledge about the Post and Philately | |
PRT | Pedro Vaz Pereira | The Portuguese Post Office between 1853-1900 | |
RUS | Viacheslav Klochko | Outer space mail of the USSR and Russia | |
SVN | Stanislav Čičerov | Slovenija Portovne znamke 1919-1921 | |
SVN | Mihael I. Fock | Companhia do Nyassa 1894-1927 | |
ESP | Salvador Bofarull | Postal dogs | |
USA | David Lu | Chinese Airmails and Their Forgeries | |
USA | Anatoly Osatinski | The Russian (Soviet Union) Red Army & Civil Mail During the Great Patriotic War 1941-45. Catalogue | |
HUN | István Lente | Hungarian Perfins | |
AUT | Ulrich Ferchenbauer | Österrech 1859 - 1918 | |
AUT | Fritz H. Sturzeis | Österreich 1945 - Band 1 Der Mensch, Band 2 Wirtschaft | |
BLR | Kudrin Valery | The Catalog of Post Envelopes of Belarus | |
BGR | Georgy G. Detchev | Catalogue of the Bulgarian post stamps 1879 - 2009 | |
BGR | Dimiter Monev | Bulgarian postal stationaries catalogue | |
HRV | Croatian Philatelic Society, Zagreb | Exhibition's Catalogue ''Crophila '07'' | |
HRV | Matej Glavic | The Exhibition's Catalogue ''Novska '08'' | |
HRV | Julije Maras | Croatia - Catalogue of Postage Stamps | |
HRV | Petar Strpic | PS Croatia Stamp Catalogue 2007/2008 | |
FRA | Claude Munch | Catalogue des entiers fiscaux d'Alsace-Lorraine 1870-1944 | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel Handbook Catalogue Booklets in two volumes / Volume 1: FRG and Berlin - 2: German Empire | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel - UN Specialized Catalogues - now the official catalogue of the United Nations Postal Administration (in English and German) | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel US Specialized Catalogue | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel Germany Specialized Catalogue 2009 (in two volumes) | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel Postal Stationery Catalogue - Europe up to 1960 (East and West) | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel Catalogue Europe Vol. 3 ''Southern Europe 2009'' (part of a series of 7 volumes) | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel Germany Catalogue 2009/2010 | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel Catalogue Overseas Volume 3 (1 und 2) ''South America 2009/2010'' and Volume 4 North and East Africa (part of a series of 10 volumes) | |
DEU | Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH | Michel soft 8.0 Stamps ''Germany S'' (This software version contains almost all the subnumbers from the Michel Germany Spezialized Catalogue) | |
GRC | Orestes Vlastos Ltd | Vlastos Hellas 2010 | |
GRC | Orestes Vlastos Ltd | Vlastos Cyprus 2010 | |
GRC | Orestes Vlastos Ltd | Vlastos Hellenic Territories 2009 | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | Catalogo specializzato dei francobolli del regno d'Italia, della RSI e della Luogotenenza | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | Catalogo dei francobolli con filigrana lettere del regno d'Italia, della RSI e della Luogotenenza | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | Catalogo dei francobolli con filigrana lettere della repubblica italiana e Trieste | |
ITA | Cristiano Bussoli | Fiscali d'Italia | |
ITA | Vaccari srl | Catalogo Vaccari | |
NOR | Oslo Filatelistklubb | Norgeskatalogen | |
NLD | Boudewijn Hellebrekers | Geuzendam's Catalogus van de postwaardestukken van Nederland en Overzeese Rijksdelen | |
RUS | Alexander Ilyushin | Catalogue of Postal stationery of Russian Empire 1845-1917 | |
SRB | Miroslav Milanovic | Catalog of extra-payment stamps Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro | |
SVK | Ondrej Foldes | Slovensko 1939-1945 - Specialized stamps and postal stationeries catalogue | |
ESP | Edifil S.A. | Catálogo Unificado Edifil de Sellos de Espańa y Dependencias Postales 2010 | |
ESP | Edifil S.A. | Catalogo Especializado de Sellos de Espańa. Tomos I - II | |
SWE | Facit förlags AB | Facit special 2010 | |
UKR | Alexsander Nikitin | Katalogue-Reference Book Postage Stamps for WWF | |
HUN | Olga Lazarovics | Catalogue the Postage and Revenue Stamps of Hungary 2009 | |
HUN | Károly Szücs | Pénzügyi Bélyegek a Habsburg Birodalomban és Magyarországon | |
ARG | CEFAI | Revista CEFAI | |
AUT | Verband Österreichischer Philatelistenvereine | Die Briefmarke | |
BEL | Michael Amplatz | Marcophila | |
BGR | Georgy Detchev | Bulgarian philatelic magazine ''Philatelen Pregled'' Year 2008 (1 - 12) | |
CAN | Royal Philatelic Society of Canada | The Canadian Philatelist / Le philateliste canadien, vo. 59 (2008) | |
HRV | Croatian Philatelic Federation | Hrvatska Filatelija | |
HRV | Croatian Philatelic Society, Zadar | Zadaraski Filatelist (philatelistic magazine) | |
HRV | Philatelic Club ''Zaboky'' | Glasilo FD ''Zaboky'' | |
ITA | Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata | La ruota alata - Notiziario AFIS | |
DEU | Wolfgang Maassen | ''philatelie'' | |
DEU | Frank Semmler | Mitteilungsblätter der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ungarn 2007 und 2008 | |
GRC | Panhellenic Society of Thematic Philately and Youth | The Thematic Philatelist | |
GRC | Philatelic Society of Patras | Lighthouse of the Philatelist | |
ITA | Associazione di Storia Postale Siciliana | Sicil-post Magazine | |
ITA | Associazione per lo Studio della Storia Postale | Bollettino prefilatelico e storico postale | |
ITA | Alviero Batistini | Notiziario Tematico | |
ITA | Luciano Calenda | Filabasket Review (in lingua inglese) | |
ITA | Gruppo Filatelia Religiosa ''Don P. Ceresa'' | 1988-1998-2008 Venti anni! | |
ITA | UFI - Italia (Unione Filatelisti Interofili) | L'intero postale | |
ITA | Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi | Phila-sport | |
ITA | Vaccari srl | Vaccari Magazine | |
NLD | Arie Olckers | De Nieuwsbrief | |
POL | The Polish Philatelists Union | Filatelista (The Philatelist), monthly | |
POL | The Polish Philatelists Union | The Historical-Research Philatelic Bulletin | |
RUS | FSUE Publishing and Trading Centre ''Marka'' | Philately | |
RUS | Alexander Ilyushin | Postal stationery and postal history - Almanac, № 6-7 | |
RUS | Alexander Ilyushin | Collectioner - Annual edition. № 44 | |
RUS | Andrey Strygin | The World of Stamps magazine | |
SRB | Union of Serbian Filatelists | Filatelista, Journal - Nr. 263/264 | |
ESP | Edifil S.A. | RF, Revista de filatelia 2008-2009 RF, philately magazine 2008-2009 | |
USA | Diane DeBlois and Robert Dalton Harris | Postal History Journal | |
CHE | Alessandro Arseni | The Postal Gazette | |
HUN | Mabéosz | Bélyegvilág | |
CAN | Jan J. Danielski | WWII Internment of Polish Servicemen in Latvia | |
CAN | Jan J. Danielski | Postal History Aspects of the Internment of Polish Servicemen in Lithuania 1939-1940 | |
CAN | Joseph Monteiro | Articles in the EFD Collector 2006-2008 | |
HRV | Marijan Segedin | Meridijani (philatelic articles in monthly magazine) | |
DEU | Dietrich Ecklebe | Auf den Spuren der Römer - Römische Stätten als Weltkulturerbe als CD-ROM | |
GRC | Nicolas Bergiopoulos | Philatelic Articles 2007-2008 | |
ITA | Vincenzo Fardella de Quernfort | La filatelia pittorica e il messaggio mediale di Maurizio De Simone | |
ESP | Andres Galaron Calvo | Articulos filatelicos semanales en el Diario De Burgos 2007/09 | |
ITA | Nino Aquila | Sicilia - I timbri del nuovo Re | |