ECTP 2019 - European Championship for Thematic Philately
Verona, 22 - 24 November 2019
Federazione fra le Società Filateliche Italiane

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Verona (Italy), 22 – 24 November 2019


1. General concept, date and venue, organization

1.1 The European Championship for Thematic Philately (ECTP) shall convene the best thematic exhibits in Europe in one single show, promoting the competitive aspect in high quality exhibiting, ensuring or even increasing the high standard of thematic exhibits in a long-term perspective.

1.2 The ECTP, held for the first time in 2006, has been recognized by the European Federation of Philatelic Associations (FEPA) as official European Championship for Thematic Philately.

1.3 ECTP 2019 will take place in conjunction with the 133th International Stamp Fair, held from 22 to 24 November 2019 in the grounds of the Verona Fair, Verona. This biannual event, organized by Verona’s Associazione Filatelica Numismatica Scaligera, ranks amongst the most successful philatelic trade fairs in Europe.

1.4 ECTP 2019 is organized by the Italian Philatelic Federation (FSFI), in cooperation with Associazione Filatelica Numismatica Scaligera, Centro Italiano Filatelia Tematica (CIFT) and Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi (UICOS).

1.5 ECPT 2019 has its own website and most procedures are carried out in digital form.


2. Governing regulations

ECTP 2019 will be governed by:

         the General Regulations of the FIP for Exhibitions (Grex)

         the Fepa Regulations for Exhibitions (Fregex)

         the General Regulations of the FIP for the Evaluation of Competitive Exhibits at FIP Exhibitions (Grev)

         the Special Regulations of the FIP for the Evaluation of Competitive Exhibits of Thematic Philately at FIP Exhibitions (Srev).

         these Regulations (Irex) for ECTP 2019.

3. ECTP Classes

The ECTP is structured into two main “classes:”

3.1 Champions’ Class

It includes those exhibits winners of one of the eight thematic classes at previous ECTP events. Such participation in the Champions’ Class is the prerequisite for participation of the exhibit to future ECTP exhibitions.

Exhibits already shown in the Champions’ Class at a past ECTP exhibition may remain in this class or return into the relevant competitive class


3.2 Competitive Class


It includes all exhibits unless they qualify for the Champions’ Class as champions (i.e. winners) in a thematic class at a past ECTP exhibition.

The competitive class comprises eight different thematic classes, according to the themes of the exhibits, as follows:

• Class 1: Arts and Culture

• Class 2: History and Organizations

• Class 3: Man and Everyday Life

• Class 4: Sport and Leisure

• Class 5: Transport and Technology

• Class 6: Medicine and Science

• Class 7: Animals and Plants

• Class 8: Agriculture and Pets



Note: this definition of “class” is peculiar of the ECTP, with ho relationship with the corresponding terms used in the FIP GREX. That applies also to the definition of “Champion”.


4. Applications

4.1 Eligible participants. Every exhibit which obtained at least 75 points or a vermeil medal at a national exhibition of a FEPA member can enter the ECTP. The competition is open also to exhibits currently in the FIP Championship Class that may enter the competition according to the provision set in the previous Art. 3.

4.2 Applications.

All collectors who want to participate at ECTP 2019 must submit their application, accompanied by the scan of the plan page and a synopsis, no later than 28 February 2019 to their national delegates to the FIP commission for Thematic Philately. Their names and addresses are listed on, the website of the FIP commission for Thematic Philately.

The submission of an application shall be deemed as a sign of acceptance of all the regulations listed in Art. 2. exhibitions

The exhibitor selects the most appropriate thematic class; however, in cases of clear inconsistencies his/her choice may be overruled by the ECTP selection committee.

The national delegates shall enter said applications at the special section of the exhibition website They must check data entered, with specific reference that the exhibit has the requested qualification, as far as previous results are concerned.

A FEPA member may submit as many applications as needed. In case of oversubscriptions, in general or at class level, the ECTP selection committee’s decisions shall ensure the participation of the largest number of FEPA members, so that at least the best exhibit (in terms of previous awards) from each of them is selected.

Notification of application acceptance or non‐acceptance by the O.C. will be sent to the exhibitor at latest by 31 July 2019, with copy to the national delegate of the relevant Federation.

Exhibitors must confirm their participation by

a) paying the participation fee (€ 30 per frame irrespective of the class) at latest by 30 September 2019 according the payment instructions that will be communicated with the notification of application acceptance.

b) loading the scan of the whole exhibit (pdf file) by 30 September 2019, to enable a timely start of pre-judging activities aimed at ensuring an accurate and sound evaluation. Exhibits failing to meet this requirement shall be excluded from competition, without refund of the frame fee.  Technical specifications for the scans will be made available along with the notification of acceptance.

4.3 Frames. Standard frames, 98 x 98 cm, allowing 3 rows of four A4 pages each, are used for this exhibition. Hence 11 frames (allowing for 132 pages of normal size) are allotted to those exhibits that received at least 85 points at a previous FIP or FEPA exhibition. Any other exhibit receives 7 frames (allowing for 84 pages of normal size). In order to ensure conformity with the international frame standards, exhibitors can choose to show four pages less (128 / 80) if they prefer to do so.


5. Transport of exhibits

5.1. In principle, exhibitors are requested to attend the exhibition and the award ceremony in the special case of the championship.

5.2 The exhibit shall be brought and collected by the exhibitor, or by his/her authorized representative, or by the jury member from his/her country if present. Exhibitors or their representatives have to mount / dismount the exhibit. Mounting activities are scheduled on Thursday, 21 November, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; the dismounting ones on Sunday, 24 November, from 1 p.m. onwards.

All exhibits are to be collected immediately after the exhibition closes. There is no possibility of storing the exhibits after the closure of the exhibition.

5.3 Exceptionally, exhibits from the custom free European area may be sent by postal or courier services, so that they reach the O.C. by 15 November 2019 at latest. The delivery address will be provided upon request to the exhibitor not able to attend the exhibition.

These exhibits will be returned at exhibitor’s expense after the exhibition with the same type of service used by the exhibitor unless collected by the exhibitor after the exhibition is closed.

5.4 The O.C. shall provide custom information for those exhibits from outside the custom free European area.


6. Insurance, Security and Liability

6.1 Exhibitors are advised that they must secure appropriate insurance for their exhibits at their expenses, as per GREX Art. 50.2. The O.C. is not responsible for such insurance.

6.2 The O.C. shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the security of the exhibits from arrival till return thereof. However, it shall not bear any liability for loss or damage that might occur during transportation, mounting, dismounting or while the exhibition.

The Fepa, the Fsfi, the O.C, the Associazione Filatelica Numismatica Scaligera, the CIFT, the UICOS, the Jury, their paid and unpaid volunteers and employees, accept no liability for any loss or injury suffered by the public and exhibitors arising directly or indirectly from any cause whatsoever as a result of entering this competition.


7. Evaluation of the exhibits

7.1 The evaluation will be carried out by a jury composed of qualified thematic jurors at FIP and/or FEPA level, representing a wide range of FEPA members.

The OC will distribute the entries among the jurors for a preliminary assessment based on the scans uploaded by the exhibitors; however, the final evaluation shall take place in front of the frames.

7.2 Jurors are charged with evaluating exhibits according to the GREV and the SREV for thematic exhibits, alloting medal levels accordingly, ranking the exhibits in each of the eight classes, voting for the Grand Prix amongst the eight new champions and the candidate from the Champions’ Class, and providing advice to the exhibitors during a jury critique session.

7.3 Exhibitors are recommended to attend the jury critique session on Sunday, 24 November, from 10.00 to 12.30.


8. Scores and Awards

8.1 All exhibits shall receive a diploma of the medal level according to the points obtained:



large gold


large silver






large vermeil


silver bronze






8.2 An exhibit that receives 85 points or higher for the first time at ECTP 2019 will qualify for 8 standard frames (128 pages) at future FEPA exhibitions.


8.3 As ECTP 2019 has no FIP recognition, its awards will not be recorded in the FIP database. Hence, they do not give any privilege at future FIP exhibitions, as far as frame allocation and admission to the FIP Championship Class are concerned.


9. ECPT Champions

9.1 Class Champions

In each theme class the exhibits will be ranked in order of points assigned by the jury. The exhibit with the highest score will be proclaimed European Champion of that theme class and as such will be inserted in the pool of candidates from which the jurors vote for the winner of the Grand Prix ECTP: The second and the third exhibit in the ranking will be awarded as runners-up of that class.

The jury will choose the best exhibit of the Champions’ Class as additional candidate for the Grand Prix ECTP. An exhibit which already won the ECTP Grand Prix at a previous edition is not eligible for candidate.


9.2 Grand Prix ECTP 2019

During the award ceremony each juror shall present his/her own ranking of the very best exhibits included in the pool of candidates. The exhibit obtaining the highest total out of such rankings will be awarded the Grand Prix ECTP 2019.


10. FEPA Jury Seminar, XX November 2019

A FEPA seminar for thematic jurors will be held in conjunction with ECTP 2019 during the exibition. All FIP and FEPA jurors are invited to attend the seminar, and future candidates for FEPA juror apprenticeship shall also exploit this opportunity. The participation is free of charge. Jurors who wish to attend are kindly requested to contact the O. C. (writing to Paolo Guglielminetti, C.P. 5104 – 00153 Roma Ostiense – Italy, email: no later than 30 June 2019. National thematic jurors may be admitted if free seats are available.


10. Final provisions

The decisions of the O.C. as well as the evaluation of the Jury are final.

Whenever there are cases that cannot be decided upon with the aid of these regulations, the O.C. will make a decision together with the Fepa president or his delegate.

Communications with the exhibitors shall be only through the exhibition website or direct e-mail, depending on the matter treated.

By entering the application form, the exhibitor confirms the truthfulness of data provided and declares to know and to accept the regulations under these Irex.

Data provided by the exhibitor will be used for the purpose of organizing and judging the exhibit and may be stored and transmitted electronically, as well as in paper form. Submitting an application signifies the exhibitor’s assent to this statement.

Exhibitors’ personal data shall be treated according to the Italian law concerning use of personal data. Responsible for their treatment is the FSFI President.

The pdf file supplied as per Art. 4 will be published in the exhibition website unless the exhibitor asks the O.C. to delete such file.

The court of jurisdiction is Rimini, location of the FSFI headquarters.


10. Contact Addresses

The official website is

The email address is