23nd “Augusto Massari” International Musical Thematic Philately Prize
Vasto, 20 - 22 September 2024
Circolo Filatelico Vastophil 'Rino Piccirilli'

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How to participate

<?php echo $rowDatiEsposizione["Descrizione_Lunga"]; ?> - Organizzazione
  The 23nd “Augusto Massari” International Musical Thematic Philately Prize will be awarded in Vasto on the occasion of the VASTOPHIL 2024 National Philatelic Exhibition scheduled from 20 to 22 September 2024.
The 23nd “Augusto Massari” Musical Thematic Prize is organized by the Circolo Filatelico Vastophil 'Rino Piccirilli' according to the regulation issued by the CIFT (Centro Italiano di Filatelia Tematica) and is placed under the patronage of the Federazione tra le Società Filateliche Italiane which is represented by the Commissioner of it nominated in the person of the President of the Philatelic Circle, organizer of the del 23nd “Augusto Massari” Musical Thematic Prize.
Each exhibitor must be a member of a philatelic club or a thematic group adhering to the Federation of the country of origin and must be the exclusive owner of the participating collection.
Entries will be displayed on the "entries and results" page of this site at the disposal of the Jury and the public. All the collections will remain on the site even at the end of the competitive phase of the 23nd “Augusto Massari” Musical Thematic Prize, unless otherwise indicated by the collector.

The event is governed by two specific regulations which can be consulted and printed by accessing the page REGULATIONS.

•    Classes
The “Augusto Massari” Prize is an exhibition organized in accordance with the provisions of the FSFI Regolamento esposizioni e giurie at point 4.7, Altri eventi, in the mode: Esposizione in forma mista - formula “Un quadro più” and includes the following classes:

- Thematic philately
- Maximaphily
- Open Philately
- Philatelic literature
- Out of competition

   Application request
The application for participation must be made by filling in the appropriate form prepared by the organization according to the class of participation:
Classes: Thematic philately, Maximaphily, Open Philately, Out of competition
Class: Philatelic literature
The forms are also available on the C.I.F.T. website
The application must arrive by 10 July 2024 at the following email address: presidentevastophil@virgilio.it.

It has the following deadlines:

Fulfillment Deadline
Ricevimento domande 10 July 2024
Comunicazione di accettazione e giuria 30 July 2024
Ricezione scansioni complete delle collezioni accettate 20 August 2024
Attention: the dates are fixed and mandatory.