Tarvisio, 21 - 24 September 2023
Unione delle Associazioni e dei Circoli Filatelici e Numismatici del Friuli Venezia Giulia

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The philatelic exhibiton ALPE ADRIA TARVISIO 2023 will be governed by the following Regulations:

  • The FIP General Regulations for the Evaluaiton of Competitive Exhibits (GREV).

  • The FIP Special Regulations for the Evaluation of Exhibits in each class (SREVs) except Philatelic Litterature.

  • The FIP Guidelines for the Evaluation of Open Philately Exhibits

  • The FIP Guidelines for Judging One Frame Exhibits.

  • The FEPA Special Regulations for Philatelic Litterature and Picture Post Cards.

  • The Regulation for Philatelic Exhibitions in the Working Community Alpe-Adria Philately (

  • The Special Regulaton for ALPE ADRIA TARVISIO 2023 .

FIP and FEPA Regulations and Guidelines are available at :

The texts in Italian are available on: